Ja zacznę od Priesta, którego chciałbym złożyc. Strategia : Szybkie usunięcie kart z decka przeciwnika ;) Hero High Priestess Neeri Moster Hero [0] Location [0] Quest [16] (!) Reoccupation [4] (!) Seeds of Their Demise [4] (!) As Hyjal Burns [4] (!) If You're Not Against Us... [4] Ability [24] (1) Shadow Word : Despair [4] (2) Dark Emprace [4] (2) Redeeming Dispel [4] (4) Mind Crush [4] (4) Wisdom [4] (6) Shroud of the High Priest [4] Ally [12] (2) Shadowy Apparition [4] (2) Orox Darkhorn [4] (5) Alana the Woebringer [4] Equipment [8] (1) Signet of the Timewalkers [4] (2) Power Generator Hood [4]